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To Da Front with Mitch - 5/9/18

     Welcome fans to a brand new season of posts, written by yours truly.  This year we have moved up to the Super X Car division at the Waterford Speedbowl, a brave new adventure for us.  We opened up our season this past Saturday at the Blast Off with a 12th place finish.  We forgot to create a write up in the off-season to recap our Thompson season, but long story short, the World Series presented itself with a bunch of problems, in the end, we met our 2017 goal and finished 9th in points with the Mini Stocks.

  Not much exciting really happened as far as racing goes, but behind the scenes there was plenty of activity.  We wanted to use this as a shake down before the Wednesday season starts on May 16th, so there was plenty to fix on the car both at the track, and during the off week in the shop.  We had oil leaks, transmission leaks, exhaust leaks, thankfully no gas leaks however.  As an issue popped up we took care of it, little by little.  First round of practice was just a simple shake down, during group qualifying we pushed it a little harder, just enough to get used to it.  Come feature time we tried to give it all we could, but another 2 issues arose.

    Starting last in the field, we were only after some valuable seat time.  Out the gate the car wasn't sounding too healthy.  Come to find out 2 of our spark plug wires fell off at some point, not really sure as to when exactly.  Nonetheless it was still a good experience as the sensation is nothing like the Saturn was.  About 10 laps in, the car started to overheat so we pulled it off the track to cool down.  In an effort for more seat time, we went back to complete the race running 17 laps total, of the 25 scheduled.  

     The car is already in the shop and work has begun to alleviate these issues, and come the Wednesday opener, we hope to have something a little faster.  As we go into 2018, and figure out these new things, our main goal is to keep learning, and keep improving.  We're thankful to have the right people in place to make this a successful year by our standards, and hopefully we can get back To Da Front!

On Board Video 5/5/18 - Click Here

**Andover Used Auto Parts, Biggins’ Auto Repair, So Sorry, Lucky Strike Lanes, Thirty Marketing. **

Mitch Bombard, driver of the #10CT Super X, X Car, and Enduro,  is the writer of the weekly recaps, and expresses the views of his own from his viewpoint behind the wheel, and after watching video (if available).

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On this site, the links for our stats and schedule are up to date, To Da Front is posted semi-regularly, and the sponsors page is always current.

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